This meeting has been organised by the Haemophilia Academy. Novo Nordisk and CSL Behring have provided a grant to the Haemophilia Academy to fund the costs associated with organising this educational meeting. Novo Nordisk and CSL Behring have had no influence into the content or arrangements for this meeting.

apply for the Next course

apply for the Next course

Update for applicants

We wanted to update you about this year’s Haemophilia Academy. Currently we are proceeding as planned while closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and guidance from relevant government bodies. The application process remains open and we strongly encourage you to continue to submit your application for the 2021 training course. The deadline for submitting applications is Friday 23 July 2021. The Faculty and I are actively discussing all format options for delivery of this educational course.

We will provide a further update in late July about the format of the meeting and next steps. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Haemophilia Academy Secretariat

We look forward to receiving your application!

Professor Claude Négrier

Haemophilia Academy 2025

   Monday 27 - Friday 31 October 2025
   Paris, France

It will be a 4.5-day course, with 3.5 days of interactive tuition on a range of clinical and nonclinical topics, coupled with a 1-day clinic visit. Participants will be asked to arrive in Paris the evening prior to the start date, for a networking and welcome dinner.

Applications for Haemophilia Academy are now closed.

Applications for 2025 will open in April.


* Due to regulations, US candidates not currently enrolled in a fellowship programme will not be eligible for funding from the Haemophilia Academy. All successful candidates are responsible for compliance with local laws and regulations regarding financial support to attend the Haemophilia Academy.

Applications for 2021 will open in February 2021.



Participants and selection criteria

Participants should:

  • Ideally have 3-4 years’ experience in haematology
  • Have a significant focus on and career interest in haemophilia
  • Be individuals for whom haemophilia patients comprise or are likely to comprise a significant proportion of practice
  • Be nominated by their institution
  • Be available to attend a 4.5-day course in late October
  • Be competent in written and spoken English

Application process

The Haemophilia Academy Application Guide includes:

  • Information on the Haemophilia Academy
  • Logistics information, including details of financial support*
  • An example application form for potential participants to review ahead of completing their application online
  • A letter to the Centre Director/Fellowship Programme Director from Professor Claude Negrier (the Haemophilia Academy Chair)

All applications must be accompanied by a letter of endorsement from the Centre Director/Fellowship Programme Director.

A guide for Centre Directors on writing the endorsement letter is included in the application guide.

There are only a limited number of places available at the Haemophilia Academy; each institution should, therefore, nominate only one suitable individual to apply. The application process is of a competitive nature and it is likely that there will be a higher number of applicants compared to the number of places available. Please note that the applications are reviewed independently by the Faculty in a vigorous and robust selection process. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Interested applicants download Haemophilia Academy Application Guide and assess criteria for applying to the programme

Applicants agree nomination with their Haemophilia Treatment Centre/Academic Instituition/Fellowship Programme

Applicants should complete the online application form. In addition, applications should be accompanied by a CV and letter of endorsement and countersigned by the nominating Centre director.

Faculty review elegible applications against predefined criteria.

Haemophilia Academy Secretariat notifies successful and non-successful candidates at the beginning of August. Waiting list places are assigned to some candidates

Interested applicants download application form below

Applicants agree nomination with their Haemophilia Treatment Centre/Academic Instituition/Fellowship Programme

Applicants complete application form and return a copy, including a CV, to by the closing date. Applications should be accompanied by a letter of endorsement and countersigned by the nominating Centre director.

Faculty review elegible applications against predefined criteria including:

- Number of years relevant experience in haematology

- Number of years relevant experience in haemophilia

- Percentage of time spent working in haemophilia

- Focus on and career interest in haemophilia

- Letter of endorsement from centre director

Haemophilia Academy Secretariat notifies successful and non-successful candidates at the end of August. Waiting list places are assigned to some candidates

Interested applicants 
download application form below

Applicants agree nomination with their Haemophilia Treatment Centre/Academic Instituition/Fellowship Programme

Applicants complete application form and return a copy, including a CV, to by the closing date. Applications should be accompanied by a letter of endorsement and countersigned by the nominating Centre director.

Faculty review elegible applications against predefined criteria.

Haemophilia Academy Secretariat notifies successful and non-successful candidates at the end of August. Waiting list places are assigned to some candidates

apply now

Download the application form to apply.


Applications will open in February 2021 .

To fill in the form electronically install the latest version of Acrobat Reader

* Due to regulations, US candidates not currently enrolled in a fellowship programme will not be eligible for funding from the Haemophilia Academy. All successful candidates are responsible for compliance with local laws and regulations regarding financial support to attend the Haemophilia Academy.