This meeting has been organised by the Haemophilia Academy. Novo Nordisk has provided a grant to the Haemophilia Academy to fund the costs associated with organising this educational meeting. Novo Nordisk has had no influence into the content or arrangements for this meeting.



The Haemophilia Academy is an annual, haemophilia-focused educational event run by international experts in haematology.

Its aim is to provide specific education and support for haemophilia treaters at an early stage in their career.

The meeting is held over 4.5 days in during the final quarter of every year. The aim of the interactive programme is to equip participants with the knowledge and skills that they need to develop their career in haemophilia and to work together to discuss how to apply this information in a way that will help to optimise patient care.



Haemophilia Academy 2024

Monday 28 October - Friday 1 November 2024
Paris, France



The Haemophilia Academy is led by a distinguished Faculty of haemophilia experts from around the world.



Haemophilia Academy is entering its 17th successful year. Learn more about the delegate experience from our alumni.


Please contact us for any queries.

This has consolidated my current knowledge to make me feel more confident in day-to-day management. It has also given me new knowledge and a greater understanding of haemophilia and bleeding disorders. Finally, I have a greater understanding of novel therapies, gene therapy and how the future might look
2019 Haemophilia Academy participant
The Haemophilia Academy was absolutely fantastic for me. A lot of great experiences in managing patients with bleeding disorders and discussing with experts.
2015 Haemophilia Academy participant
I feel very privileged to have been a part of such a fascinating and high quality course.
2016 Haemophilia Academy participant
It was beautifully organised, expertly executed. The best course I have attended since medical school!
2022 Haemophilia Academy Participant
I feel very privileged to have been a part of such a fascinating and high quality course.
2016 Haemophilia Academy participant
I am truly appreciative of this amazing opportunity. I have gained significant knowledge in the field of haemophilia and learned so much from the experts and other members attending this course. Phenomenal!
2022 Haemophilia Academy Participant