This meeting has been organised by the Haemophilia Academy. Novo Nordisk and CSL Behring have provided a grant to the Haemophilia Academy to fund the costs associated with organising this educational meeting. Novo Nordisk and CSL Behring have had no influence into the content or arrangements for this meeting.

Haemophilia Academy 2024: Agenda

nb. the agenda below is based on the 2023 programme and may be subject to change

Day 1: Monday 28 October

Keynote lecture

The haemostatic system and responses to vascular injury

Dr Keith Hoots

Keynote lecture

Lab monitoring

Dr Steve Kitchen

Keynote lecture


Prof. Margareth Ozelo


Three sessions run in parallel*

All Faculty

Keynote lecture


Dr Maria Elisa Mancuso

Day 2: Tuesday 29 October

Interactive plenary

Pathogenesis and natural history of haemophilia

Dr Keith Hoots

Keynote lecture

Women with bleeding disorders

Dr Roseline d’Oiron

Interactive plenary

von Willebrand Disease

Dr Stacy Croteau


Three sessions run in parallel*

All Faculty

Keynote lecture

Rare bleeding disorders

Dr Maria Elisa Mancuso

Day 3: Wednesday 30 October

Interactive plenary


Prof. Claude Négrier


Three sessions run in parallel*

All Faculty

Keynote lecture

Haemophilia care in resource-constrained environments

Prof. Margareth Ozelo


Poster session and working lunch**

Day 3: Thursday 31 October – Necker Hospital, Paris

Tour of the Centre

Clinic staff

Plenary sessions: Physiotherapy: joint assessment, ultrasound, radiology

Clinic staff

Laboratory demonstrations & clinical case sessions

Lab staff / clinic staff

Day 5: Friday 1 November

Interactive plenary

Pregnancy and delivery

Dr Roseline d’Oiron

Keynote lecture

Clinical trials and future therapies

Prof. Claude Négrier

Keynote lecture

New non-factor replacement therapies for haemophilia

Dr  Stacy Croteau

Self-assessment and follow-up

*Workshop sessions: platelet disorders, inhibitor management and management of older patients.
**Meals and refreshment breaks will provide other opportunities for networking.