This meeting has been organised by the Haemophilia Academy. Novo Nordisk and CSL Behring have provided a grant to the Haemophilia Academy to fund the costs associated with organising this educational meeting. Novo Nordisk and CSL Behring have had no influence into the content or arrangements for this meeting.
What is the Haemophilia Academy?
A 2007 survey of haematologists revealed that there are few opportunities for knowledge sharing, particularly among those at an early stage of their career in haemophilia.
To address this need, the annual Haemophilia Academy was established. The programme comprises a 4.5-day, CME-accredited educational event, and has been held each year since 2008.
The Haemophilia Academy aims to:
Provide specific education support to trainee haemophilia treaters at an early stage in their careers
Address their perceived and real educational needs
Improve the management of haemophilia and allied bleeding disorders
Faculty, support and endorsement
A distinguished Faculty of six leading haemophilia experts are responsible for planning the programme, the selection of participants, developing educational materials and delivering the sessions.
In addition, the compelling nature of the first four programmes resulted in endorsement from three key professional societies
- European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD)
- International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH)
- Hemostasis and Thrombosis Research Society (HTRS)
CME accreditation
An application will be made to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) for CME accreditation of this event.
Haemophilia Academy celebrated 10 years in 2017
The Haemophilia Academy celebrated 10 years in 2017. Watch our short video for more information about the history of the programme, our alumni and building a global network of collaborations to improve haemophilia care.